Are You A High-Functioning Adult Struggling With Hopelessness And Low Self-Esteem?

At Duke City Counseling, many of our clients face challenges with depression without initially realizing it. While they may appear high-functioning—managing work, relationships, and daily tasks—the underlying feelings of sadness, emptiness, or exhaustion can take a serious toll on their mental health.

Perhaps you’ve noticed irritability or frequent angry outbursts, or you're dealing with physical symptoms like insomnia, lack of appetite, or unexplained aches and pains. If life feels overwhelming, unmanageable, or devoid of joy, you might be struggling with depression.

Depression can cloud your ability to think clearly, making decision-making harder and leaving you feeling "slowed down." In more severe cases, it may lead to thoughts of death or suicide, compounding feelings of hopelessness, fear, and isolation.

Even if you’re able to maintain a busy life, depression may leave you feeling drained, disconnected, and unable to find enjoyment in the things that once made you happy. These feelings can affect your relationships and work, leaving you without the motivation you need to keep going.

At Duke City Counseling, we understand the complex ways depression can impact your life, and we're here to help.

Depression Can Affect Anyone—Even High-Functioning Adults

Most people will experience a tough emotional period at some point—it’s a natural part of life. In fact, depression affects over 40 million adults nationwide, making it one of the most common mental health issues in the U.S. Whether depression is caused by genetic factors or triggered by a significant life change, it can be debilitating.

For high-functioning adults who are used to success, the stigma around depression can feel particularly heavy. You may find it difficult to talk about your feelings, especially when others respond with toxic positivity, telling you to “be grateful” for what you have. You might even avoid sharing your struggles altogether, feeling the pressure to keep up appearances or stay positive for others.

With increasing work stress, personal responsibilities, and the ever-present challenges of modern life, you may feel too overwhelmed to add therapy to your already full plate. But seeking support for depression doesn’t mean you’ve failed—it’s a step toward healing.

How Therapy Can Help You Understand And Manage Depression

Depression affects everyone differently, which is why therapy at Duke City Counseling is tailored to meet your unique needs. Our therapists create a compassionate and non-judgmental space where you can explore your emotions, challenges, and strengths.

From your initial consultation with our intake specialist, we’ll match you with a therapist who best fits your needs. Your first session will focus on helping you feel comfortable with the therapeutic process, and from there, we’ll use evidence-based methods like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and solution-focused therapy to help you better understand and manage your depression.

Through therapy, you’ll develop tools to recognize negative thought patterns, identify your strengths, and create healthy coping mechanisms. For couples, we can also explore how depression impacts your relationship and provide insight into both individual and shared challenges.

Common Questions About Depression Therapy

Can I just take medication for depression?

While medication can help alleviate symptoms of depression, studies show that combining medication with therapy leads to better long-term results. Medication can provide short-term relief, but therapy addresses the root causes of depression, giving you lasting tools for recovery.

How long will therapy take?

There is no set timeline for depression therapy—it varies based on your personal needs. Some clients experience relief after just a few sessions, while others stay in therapy for months or years. The duration of therapy is ultimately up to you and your goals.

Is what I share in therapy confidential?

At Duke City Counseling, we take your privacy seriously. Our practice is fully HIPAA-compliant, ensuring that everything you share in therapy remains confidential. Our secure, online platform is also HIPAA-compliant, giving you peace of mind during both in-person and virtual sessions.

You Don’t Have To Navigate Depression Alone

If you’ve been missing joy and hope in your life, therapy at Duke City Counseling can help you rediscover those feelings. With the right support, you can move beyond depression and regain a sense of purpose and control. To schedule first session, visit our contact page, and we’ll be in touch.